Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Kingdom of Kings and Priests

"A Kingdom of Priests and Kings"
by Dayna Lopez

The Bible teaches us many times that those who follow after Jesus Christ and seek to live in the "Light" as He is in the light, will have the reward of serving with Him in His Kingdom as co-heirs as priests and kings.  He has promised to bless those who love Him and serve Him now with governmental authority and the anointing of the power of His Holy Spirit.

Christians are called to take His Presence to the nations and share the Good  News with all people.  As we do this, He gives us the governmental anointing of Priests and Kings.  This is our identity in Christ.  We may live in this world for a time, but this world does not give us our identity.  Our identity is assured with Jesus as His friends and as the children of our Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. Dayna I really love this art work- "A Kingdom of Priests and Kings".
    The brilliance, vibrancy and action. So much dynamic movement happening. That's a mighty God expressed moving in those golden paint strokes. A force so powerful the fear of God is evident- a light so powerful you'd want to move with Him in faith and belief. Best to move, the Kingdom of God is coming and we're with Him.
